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Greenheart News - Winter 2024

Updated: Dec 24, 2024

There’s a war in the East, there’s a war in the West. Some say we’re too many, others say we’re too few. Many say we’re poorer than before and others say we’re better off than ever. Some like all the new gadgets we have to play with these days, while others prefer the old ways.

It’s a mixed up, muddled up world we live in. But somehow we go on believing that there is a new world waiting for us just around the next corner and as long as we can manage to hang in here, we’ll all be blessed and saved!.

Personally, I’m not waiting for anything miraculous to happen, but go on wishing for a more peaceful and stable world where we can all realise our dreams and have the opportunity to shine in our own way - A world where we are not controlled by an ever increasing level of artificial intelligence and where we can still own our own bodies and thoughts!.

Recently an old friend of mine sent me a great quote which I will repeat here, as it seems to sum up the present situation very well:

(‘If this control-freak system does eventually spread worldwide, it looks as if, in a not-so-distant future, the only really FREE people in the world might be those traditional 'remote tribes'/cultures/peoples who may have little or no access to electricity, who live on their own land, raise their own food and don't necessarily rely on 'money' to live a normal life. In the long run, they may be considered as being the really SMART ones. There are actually more of them than most people imagine. Just to give an example of a small 'extreme' percentage of them, the 'uncontacted tribes': there are currently estimated to be approximately 100 of these [possibly rather lucky] small-scale societies worldwide who either do not know that 'we' exist, or maybe they do (and that may be one of the reasons why they remain 'where they are'). 

Speaking of being blessed, I am forever grateful for my own situation and consider myself to be an extremely fortunate individual. I’m not saying that I don’t suffer pain sometimes, or that I don’t need help from anyone, but it seems that the pain is never too much to handle and the help that I need is always close at hand, especially if I allow myself to recognise it!.

Casita Verde Ibiza

Fortunately, after a very long and dry summer, the autumn rains served to return the Casita Verde gardens into a lush paradise that was only waiting for some water to show off its magical beauty once again.

This winter, the whole place is alive with vibrant life and everything is growing at a truly incredible speed.

The wild rocket is about ten times its normal size and other edible wild plants are also ready to provide us with a rich bounty of km 0 food for those who know which ones to eat. The mushroom hunters are of course out in their hoards too, which always reminds me to learn more about this other wonderful source of natural healthy nourishment.

I’m also busy juicing and freezing, or drying all the oranges I can buy while they’re abundant and relatively cheap, so we’ll have plenty to last us until next winter.

It really is a great pity that here in Ibiza, we still import around 96% of what we eat, instead of growing our own food, using a mixture of modern and traditional methods, as well as using what grows naturally.

Even though we do have a water shortage on the island, I’m surprised that we don’t make better use of the natural resources we do have and make more effort to wean ourselves off imported products, we could grow ourselves with a little bit more effort.

Hopefully, one day, the already expanding fashion of ‘eating local’ and ‘growing your own food’, will become something more of a normality than a just a hobby for those who see it as a good way to ensure our survival if everything goes berserk outside our little Ibiza bubble.

Thanks to the well appreciated help from local volunteers, who come up to Casita Verde each week, to help me with jobs I can’t handle by myself, we are managing to keep the whole place in fabulous condition and even make new gardens which add some extra glamour to the attractions already established at the centre.

Our weekend ‘Natural swimming pool conference’ in mid October went very well and everyone was very appreciative of our efforts to make them feel welcome and comfortable.

After our initial trial project, we have decided to offer other opportunities for similar weekend conferences, but we will certainly be happy to find the right person to help us with the catering aspect of the offer, as we found this quite difficult to manage with such a small team onboard.

As president of the ‘Ibiza Limpia’ (Clean Ibiza) association, I continue to attend meetings of the ‘Plastic Free/Alianza Residuo Cero de Ibiza y Formentera (Plastic Free/Zero Waste Alliance of Ibiza and Formentera). See  for more details.

I am also working together with our friend Karin Isken from Ecovissa, which provides 100% compostable garbage bags to local authorities, as well as being our partner in bigger projects involving European funding. 

Lately, we’ve been getting more and more involved in trying to help find solutions for the lack of space in our already nearly full garbage tip. At last we see some promising new developments which could not only keep us out of trouble, but could make us far more resilient, with our ideas to evolve our local circular economy by producing valuable materials from our non recyclable municipal waste. See

It appears that our efforts to reduce the production of non recyclable waste are not really working and the volume is actually increasing instead of decreasing, so we’ll obviously have to move very quickly to avoid a potentially unsatisfactory situation, where we need to export our unwanted waste for incineration in Mallorca, instead of dealing with it here on the island.

On the 16th of November, we organised a big clean-up operation around the Cala Conta area, together with volunteers from Aena (the airport) and Club Diario de Ibiza, including some of the staff from the San Jose council and the Ibiza Volunteers Association. We then helped to organise a presentation and round table discussion in the Club Diario de Ibiza on the 19th of November, with various representatives from local authorities and ecological organisations.

Obviously, there’s still a long way to go before Ibiza can be seen as a leader in correct waste management and circular economy, but we’re doing our best to keep the flame burning and are slowly moving closer to our end goal with each step we take.

So much for my dreams of retirement and a more peaceful lifestyle!.

Plans for more Casita Verde centres

Since expanding our reach with the idea of creating more Casita Verde centres, apart from the one in Granada, we’ve added Ireland to our list of locations and are planning another in Madrid, as well as in Valencia if all goes according to plan. There’s also a possibility to make another one in Sardinia with one of our ex-volunteers, as more people who know us are convinced it’s a good idea to join the movement.

If you would like to visit our centre for a guided tour, or want to know how you can be a more eco-conscious citizen, please get in touch by email, sending your request to, or calling our main office on 608838190 (English and Spanish)

With warm greetings from Casita Verde,

Chris Dews – coordinator

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