When considering the bigger picture of how humans interact with their natural environment, we need to look beyond the impacts of agriculture or urban development and include every aspect that can be considered important in the maintenance of our local ecosystems.
Since the beginning of the agricultural revolution, which increased crop yields and made farmers much more economically successful in business, we have systematically degraded our rural environment in the name of capitalism. In fact, the damage we have made with industrial farming methods is so devastating, that environmental experts from all over the world are now saying that we only have 60 more years of crop yields before we will literally have no more topsoil to grow anything!
However, there are always solutions to man made problems, and there are certainly many ways in which we can avoid such a negative scenario from happening, but only if we act fast enough and with all stakeholders involved in the regeneration programme.
Rural Regeneration is about looking holistically at the whole spectrum of issues which determine the state of our natural environment. From how we take care of our forests, to how we restore our natural waterways and wetlands, to how we cultivate arable land and how we maintain the balance that nature has so evidently provided to regulate a system of circular economy, which is both sustainable and regenerative.
Here in the Balearic islands, we are beginning to see the error of using inappropriate farming methods over a long period of time and also the lack of real understanding of how we can work with nature to restore the generous symbiosis which created our ecosystems in the first place.
With Global Climate Change threatening to reduce rainfall even further during the coming years, it’s more important than ever that both governments and private stakeholders move together to ensure the survival of our natural habitats, our biodiversity and the complex interconnected ecosystems, in order to re-establish a healthy relationship between man and his biosphere.
The Ibiza Fènix is all about establishing a robust and permanent synergy between all the different branches of our Social Leadership initiative, connecting people and planet for a more promising common future.
With this section, we propose to demonstrate that by working together and in harmony with nature, we can achieve a Regenerative Rural development programme which will ensure that our region doesn’t turn into a non-productive desert, which could easily happen if we ignore the warning signs that are already very evident. Using advanced technology coupled with local expertise, and a common purpose which will provide us with all the knowledge and natural resources, we can survive the ravages of Global Climate Change with even a possibility to thrive, instead of succumbing to a non-resilient future!
What can you do?
Buy local and organic foods wherever possible!
This will encourage local food producers to expand their production and avoid unnecessary imports, therefore improving the island's resilience.
Grow your own vegetables, especially if you have a garden, and try to share or exchange extra crops with friends and neighbours.
This can result in the formation of great relationships, as well as to save costs on food products and other resources.
Try to persuade local farmers you know to change the way they maintain their fields and woodlands, using more environmentally friendly methods which regenerate soils and natural spaces instead of degrading them.
Conserving our soil is one of the best methods of recovering carbon from the atmosphere and is essential in our fight to reduce the negative effects of climate change.
Make a wildlife pond in your garden, or on your farm if you have one.
This will at least ensure that wild birds, bees and dragonflies etc will have some fresh water to drink in your area, as well as give you and your family a lot of pleasure to watch them.
Join local environmental organisations offering participation in land sharing schemes and community food production programmes.
This is one of the most successful methods of learning new skills and feeling like part of the local community.
Offer to help out with groups cleaning river beds and re-opening rural footpaths and forest trails.
Conservation of traditional ‘rights of way’ and water channels is an indispensable tool in preserving our natural heritage